Saturday, January 19, 2013

Expanding My Horizons

I'll break this blog up into a few different sections, so bear with me...

1. People

On this wonderful journey of my life, I have met some of the most amazing people. Honestly, I would take a bullet for my group of friends. People from all over the world have come together and we have all created a bond that I am sure distance will not even be able to defy. I cannot put into words how thankful I am for this diverse bunch of pals. It's also amazing the commonalities and differences in cultures. Obviously, there is the occasional language barrier, but that has not seemed to stop us in any way. I am sure we will stay in touch forever, and at this point I cannot fathom departure.

2. Religion

A few days ago, I went into Winchester Cathedral. Obviously, it cannot compare to the spiritual experience of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, yet I felt an eerie connection with this place. Jane Austen, one of my many literary idols, is buried here, however that was not the answer. It wasn't until I learned of the turmoil that this Cathedral endured when it hit. It obviously began as a Catholic church but through the various wars and changes in kings and queens, it ended up as a Church of England, much like every church around her (unsurprisingly). Truly, the fact that this Cathedral was even still standing, much less operational, is phenomenal. I can only hope to be as strong and stable as this building in my life.

I also recently attended a mass in Winchester. It was essentially no different than any mass I have attended in the USA. Yet there was something strange about being one voice out of 80 that spoke and sang in an American accent. Possibly my first (and hopefully last) incident with culture shock.

3. Snow

This will be short and sweet. Thursday night, we received an inch and a half (maybe two) of dusty, white, wet snow. Classes were cancelled. For two inches of snow. No ice. Just snow. I thought this was ridiculous. I realized the severity of the situation when I learned that there are no snow plows in England. So the country actually HAS to come to a grinding halt when it snows. Sheesh!

That's all for now! I am heading in to London again tomorrow, which will bring another exciting post!

1 comment:

  1. keep the blog entries coming. luv ya a bunch, miss ya more!
