Sunday, January 13, 2013

London, A Dream Come True

Today, my dreams came true.

I have wanted to go to London for years and years, and today my fairy godmother waved her magical wand and suddenly my aspirations became cold hard reality.

We started with a very fast and nearly terrifying bus ride from Winchester to London. This other side of the road business is nearly terrifying. In case you were unaware, driving on the left side also means you go through roundabouts in reverse. The first tine this happened, half of the bus screamed in terror.

Regardless, our fearless bus driver continued with the tour. We were able to see where various Olympic events were held and learned about some interesting tid-bits concerning England and how it was developed. Unfortunately, I cannot recall them at this moment, as I am still in utter shock.

The first item on the to-do list was Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, it was closed today and there were only two guards on post. So no funny "trying to make the guards laugh" pictures yet. The palace however, was breathtakingly beautiful. I just could not believe that I was standing in front of it.

We then moved on to Winchester Abbey and Big Ben. This is when it hit me. I was living in real time the pictures that I have admired as a child. I began to weep simply for the fact of sheer amazement.

We also saw the London Eye, which we will sadly not be able to ride in as it is closed for repair, and Trafalgar Square and well as Piccadilly Market.

The most important part of today, however, were the bonds that grew closer. I have met an amazing bunch of people and will surely dedicate a blog post to them in the near future. They have already changed me as a person and I sense that this year's difficult goodbyes are nowhere near being complete.

That is all for now, but more to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos from London. I think I noticed a pint in your hand in one of your friends pub photos. Have fun with your classes that begin Monday! Luv ya much and miss ya more! Mom Dad and Kristin
